fatoprofugus.net congestive soul failure last days of the republic nananaginip |
Transferred! - [2003-08-16] This blog has been turfed! - [2003-08-14] The Question of Race - [2003-08-13] Now, if we were really all equal... More Career Options - [2003-08-10] Trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. No Escape for the Damned - [2003-08-10] Movie night. Of course, we can't escape medicine. There is no rest for the damned. Abdominal Pain/Discomfort - [2003-08-07] I forgot one of the cardinal rules about abdominal pain/discomfort in a woman of child-bearing age. Science Fiction - [2003-08-06] To infinity and beyond! Condolences - [2003-07-29] A moment. Informed Consent? - [2003-07-24] Hey, you're technically not lying. Wheeler's Conjecture Applied to Physicians - [2003-07-23] It's all been said or done. What a post-modern world. Medical Terminology in Mainstream Culture - [2003-07-21] Sometimes you really don't need to dumb things down when talking to patients. they can't hurt you if they don't know who you are - [2003-07-17] from the other side of the glass. now that i'm running with internists, those surgical-type folk can just kiss my ass. Technical Terms Omitted from Medical Dictionaries - Part II - [2003-07-16] Remember to speak to your patients colloquially. At Least I Won't Die of Prostate Cancer - [2003-07-16] You may go blind and grow hairy palms, but at least you'll still be able to pee, and you won't need to get TURPed. Holier Than Thou - [2003-07-15] You'd better not be in it for the money. Technical Terms Omitted from Medical Dictionaries - Part I - [2003-07-09] You probably won't find these in a textbook M4 - [2003-07-07] Maybe I'm a black cloud after all? The Wanderings of an Insomniac - [2003-07-04] It's all fucked up. On the Verge of Insanity - [2003-06-30] Ah. It feels so good to vent. Doctors are the Worst Patients - [2003-06-25] Isn't it weird when you're relieved that they actually found something? I Can Relate - [2003-06-25] Why surgery is not for me. Back From the Dead - [2003-06-22] This blog isn't dead quite yet. Umi Says... - [2003-05-24] Residents know how to disappear. Those Damn Catholics - [2003-05-08] Yes Holy Father, we still respect you. Overheard - [2003-05-01] Everything is out of control. Sir Edmund Hillary Syndrome - [2003-04-19] Some reasons are better than others. - [2003-04-10] More Randomness - [2003-04-10] Rules, rules, rules. Succumbing to Evil - [2003-04-10] He who fights monsters should be careful lest he thereby becomes a monster. And if thou gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee  Nietzsche Flight of Ideas - Episode II - [2003-03-27] More sophistry and soap-boxing. rules and hierarchy - [2003-03-23] to reiterate, just because this is the way it has always been doesn't make it right. but just because it isn't right doesn't mean that this isn't the way it is. post-call flight of ideas - [2003-03-22] various odds and ends racism in the wards - [2003-03-22] we live in a multicultural society. learn to accept it. Overheard - [2003-03-19] Random chitter-chatter during rounds. How to Deal with Evil (Intern Rule #8: They Can Always Hurt You More) - [2003-03-19] Sorry. No current treatment available. Everything I say is only palliative. who is the evil resident? - [2003-03-16] be afraid. be very afraid. |
DISCLAIMER: This site is a parody in the spirit of The House of God by Samuel Shem and the TV show "Scrubs." If you take anything I say seriously, well, you probably have some problems you might want to see a psychiatrist for.