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Yeah. I don't understand it either. Despite the fact that I probably did less work in six weeks of psychiatry than I did in four days of internal medicine, I had absolutely no free time. Actually, that's not true. I did have free time. I just spent it in what is now in retrospect a somewhat morally dubious manner. But you can read about it in my main blog. Yeah. I really don't say anything at all in it, I just keep hastily typing some apocryphal commentary. I've been meaning to mention my story about a true-to-life evil OBGYN resident whom I feel truly psychologically scarred me. (PTSD, here I come) But I won't do it now, since I have to pack. In the mean time, I thought I'd mention this site: Incidental Findings. This guy is a little more assiduous about preserving anonymity than I am (I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned any confidential information on this site. Hopefully I haven't violated HIPAA) but, yeah, he is also a 3rd year med student, soon to become a 4th year, and while I haven't got very far back in his blog, already just from skimming I notice parallels with my own life. Is it because all med students by necessity have very similar lives, I wonder? Not to mention that he is also Asian American. Yeah, of course, when I'm on a deadline, instead of taking care of my shit, I blog. Wonderful. Now back to our regularly scheduled program. |
DISCLAIMER: This site is a parody in the spirit of The House of God by Samuel Shem and the TV show "Scrubs." If you take anything I say seriously, well, you probably have some problems you might want to see a psychiatrist for.