articles and blog posts:
list of the more recognizable names of people who are running for
governor in California.
W: The Truth will out. You know, all this is doing is
reinforcing the stereotype that conservatives are idiots.
Bush Misuses Science. Link from Daypop.
Sorry God. I quit. This is just disgusting.
Sex Crimes Cover-Up By Vatican. Link from Eschaton.
Interesting that Google thinks that Gore is synonymous to Bush
and that Democrat is synonymous with Republican. Hence, the 2000
election. God help us all. Fun with
Google's New Synonym Operator
I don't know. I'm seriously considering renouncing my faith. The
Vatican has strayed from its message of an all-inclusive loving
God. I'm on the verge of saying fuck the pope and his army of
pederasts. If God really exists, this would be an excellent time
for him to make his presence known.
The Pope condemns homosexuals. Link from This Modern World
(more interesting articles
and blog posts...)
Modernizing the Grid
Time marches on. The infrastructure must be upgraded. read more... -
Perhaps a Dollop of Some
How do you lure a scapegoat? 'Cause W needs one, pretty 'darn'
quick. read more... -
We Have Always Been At
Current status read more... -
People's Power (The Revolt of the
Cockroach People)
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable."
— John F. Kennedy
read more... -
Satire? Or Reality?
What is real? Whatever you want to believe, I guess. read more... -