the (future) evil resident

featuring tips and tricks for the medical student doing clinical rotations




congestive soul failure

last days of the republic


Today was my first day as a 4th year. (It was very strange to continuously introduce myself as such.) Of course, someone had to be intubated. (It was terrible, I had no idea what to do, as the patient panicked about not being able to breathe. Oh man.) I suppose it's an improvement over my first day as a 3rd year, when someone died in the OR right before I was supposed to scrub in with the attending who had been working on the case.

content copyright vmg 2003

DISCLAIMER: This site is a parody in the spirit of The House of God by Samuel Shem and the TV show "Scrubs." If you take anything I say seriously, well, you probably have some problems you might want to see a psychiatrist for.