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i am doing my first 4th year rotation at the same hospital that i did my obgyn rotation (where i was tortured by the dark one herself) and i find it amusing that i run into people whom i worked with. i've only said hello to one of my favorite obgyn interns (who is now, of course, a pgy 2) but i think she doesn't recognize me. there is a now-pgy 3 that i've seen a couple of times here and there, during tumor board and during an endocrinology/pathology discussion. she was nice, but she never let me get away with leaving early. (and in fact, because she insisted that i go to clinic, the dark one herself got to kick me around for an extra three hours.) i would say hi, except that there's always someone else talking. and i doesn't look like she recognizes me. (there is a reason for this, though. i've recently shaved my head and grown a goatee. this is in stark contrast to my (as s. put it) chia pet hair and my usually boyish good looks. hah.) then there is the family practice pgy-2 (now pgy-3) that i sold out during a pimping onslaught (i remember the question was something about the bishop score. unfortunately, at this point, this is all i remember about the bishop score.) the entire l+d team was breathing down his neck, pimping him about it, and he couldn't answer. then, of course, the gaze of the dark one herself locked onto me. i, for once, knew the right answer, and it came out of my mouth before i knew what i was doing. the other thing is that the whole l+d team hated him. mostly because he was kind of indecisive and over-conservative. although maybe it was simply because he was a guy. he took a lot of heat off of me, truth be told. i think he may know this. the other thing is that i was supposed to help him with morning rounds in the mother-baby unit, but i'd always be late, because i just couldn't get myself out of bed by 3:45am. he never called me on it, but i'm sure it didn't make him happy to have to do all the charts by himself. truly, he has every right to resent me. but by the time i started working with him, the dark one herself had already destroyed me, and i didn't give a fuck. in any event, i'm sure that the fp resident isn't too keen about any reminders about his final, awful month on l+d. the last time i saw him, he gave me this look which i took to mean, let's never speak about the experience. in fact, let's pretend we never met. but it feels good to be doing a rotation there where the people are actually nice to me. a couple of the attendings pimp me like crazy, and i sound like a complete idiot, but at least they don't yell at me, and they actually try to teach me things (unlike some horrible people i've met.) at least i didn't goof on the psa question: attending: what does psa stand for? |
DISCLAIMER: This site is a parody in the spirit of The House of God by Samuel Shem and the TV show "Scrubs." If you take anything I say seriously, well, you probably have some problems you might want to see a psychiatrist for.