Spring 1997 19991125
I wait
confusion delusions
lightning thunder
shifting sands
down the hour glass
sand, glass, heat
I'm melting
shocking and unpleasant, isn't it?
|__But we're still here
You and I
pacing back and forth
circling each other
you with your weary disinterest
and me with my endless madness
But the truth is never real
the only thing the mind comprehends
are lies
Abort, is it?
wisdom, knowledge
Pain. Deceit.
Forever and ever
I'd love you, no end
Forever and ever
I am a shadow darkening your path
subtle madness harrowing your existence
Where can I go
where I will not dream of you?
Where can I run to
from these feelings whirling inside me?
Endless madness that I foolishly call love
but you would never know it
'cause it's all inside me
trapped, tearing at the walls of my mind _____________
In time I will say it all
but for what good, what good?
It will plunge me into despair
I'll surely drown in the cold sea of my tears
Even my sorrow is a cliche
In less than a blink of an eye
In less than the time it takes
to realize you are even blinking
You turn away
not seeing me
or maybe you do see me
but it doesn't matter
Your disinterest does not cut
no, it scrapes, it rasps,
leaves my bleeding pink flesh exposed to the air
I sit before you
You never see me
I listen
hear your pine for love
ache with desire
You never see me
To any other man, it would have been clear
All doubt would have been lifted
Oh why does this stay in my mind
Even when it cannot possibly be?
©1997,1999 by Victor
Ganata |