briefly watched Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) (Yup, the gay-basher)
try to defend W on MSNBC until he started making me sick. He is
so full of shit. I'm pretty sure he'll be one of the first
to have his back against the wall when the revolution comes. But he
tried bringing up how Saddam Hussein did try to purchase
aluminum tubes
that are only used for uranium enrichment, but the guy on MSNBC
pointed out that that too is suspect evidence. And then Santorum
goes off on how this is all political, the same guys who wanted to
tear down the CIA in the '80's and '90's are the ones who are
decrying this "intelligence failure." That was when I decided to
turn it off. (Although I am surprised that there is someone on
MSNBC who is actually criticizing the Bush junta.) As far as I can
tell, the CIA didn't do anything wrong here at all, since they
stated long before the State of the Union address that
this intelligence was flawed. If
Wolf Blitzer is to be believed (and, yeah, he probably
shouldn't be), most Americans think that W lied on
Is the truth finally trickling down to the mainstream
media? (Has the prospect of political carnage finally incited the
primal instinct of the press?) I suppose I may be living somewhat
of a delusion, since I have long abstained from the mainstream
press (ever since shortly after September 11.) But I can't help but
feel that the winds are changing. It doesn't mean anything dramatic
is going to happen. This is not a harbinger of the Revolution, at
least not yet. But at least this should take a little swagger out
of W's step.
(And now this is just random shit. I was thinking about
what WMD really should mean. W's massive deception. I'm sure
someone else has already figured out all sorts of clever
explanations for the acronym already, though.)