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The Republicans Have Been Betrayed 2003-03-15

Yeah, it's been over two years, but I will keep harping on the fact that W's accession to the presidency is a complete betrayal of the principles in which the Republic Party was founded.

But I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Remember Arianna Huffington? I remember her for making insensitive, racist comments about illegal immigrants way back in California's Proposition 187 era.

Apparently, she had some kind of epiphany, however. While she still embraces the conservative culture, she has written several expose's on the massive corruption that runs rampant in America, aided and abetted by the GOP. I remember going to the Montrose branch of the Glendale Public Library System a few years ago where I found her book How to Overthrow the Government sitting on one of the shelves. Now, as I've noted, up until that point, I had despised her, assuming that she was exactly like the rest of her conservative ilk. But I was amazed at her transformation. She has recently released a new book entitled Pigs at the Trough: How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are Undermining America. (Which, to me, seems like an excellent allusion to George Orwell's Animal Farm—as an aside, why is it that everything we ever feared about Communism, everything we thought would happen if we lost the Cold War, is happening anyways?) She is among the few conservative figures who have not lost the way, originally laid out by Abraham Lincoln. I used to say the same thing about John McCain and Colin Powell, but given the current political landscape, it would be close to impossible for them not to sell-out. (Ah, the simplistic mindset of a tyrannical state: if you don't support the state, then you must be a seditious traitor.) But W is definitely the antithesis of the thinking Republican. He might as well spit on Lincoln's grave. (Isn't it ironic that the party that will destroy the Republic is called the Republican Party? How hilarious is that?)

How can I possibly comment on this sad, state of affairs in the GOP? Well, I grew up in a staunchly Republican household. Ronald Reagan was actually my hero for a while (On an objective scale, who do you think has more brain damage, Ronnie-boy or W?). But a good Catholic school education really opened my eyes. My bleeding-heart liberal ways are nonetheless openly despised by my relatives (though less so since the perversion known as W has sat in the Oval Office throne), so I make it a point never to talk politics at family gatherings. If I can only overcome my absolute revulsion of ignorance, family life might become harmonious indeed.

Ah! I forgot. Why did Arianna Huffington come to mind? She is speaking at an anti-war protest in L.A. today (Link from eye8infiniti.blogspot.com). Oh man. I wonder when W will start mobilizing the tanks, Tiananmen Square-style?


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