
congestive soul failure

eye 8 infiniti

This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow

The Agonist


The Silk Road Journal

404--War-related stories not found

last days of the republic

an epic of mundane proportions




Those Were the Days... 2003-03-15

...when we could still pretend that the Republic was intact. Don't blame me for Gore losing the election of 2000—the state of Illinois went decidedly to the Democrats anyway. I voted Green that year (and, you know what, so far, under this regime, I have been proven totally right—Democrats and Republicans are difficult to distinguish these days—Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Hilary Clinton, Bill Frist, what's the difference really? I knew that the Dems sold us out anyway.)

Normally, I don't post quiz results, but this quiz to determine which political stereotype you are has been floating around the net (found on popdex, natch.)

My results:
Green - You believe that small economic units
should control the goods, and that the
government should be permissive of
"victimless crimes," respectful of
civil liberties and very strict towards big
business. You also believe in either a
socialist tax structure or more power to local
communities. You think that environmental
policies should be written into law. Your
historical role model is Ralf Nader.

Which political sterotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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