Typical Scenario
Thu Jun 27 2002 03:51PM -0600 (Does anyone even read this? Have I lost even my 2.5 readers? I promise I'll try to stop whining and try to start writing about interesting things soon. Yes. Very soon.) OK I need some help here. Situation: this girl whom I like but whom I know doesn't feel the same just asked me to go to an event with her and her quasi-boyfriend. (I am not even going to elaborate, but you probably get what I mean.) Question: Should I go or not? Why or why not? Random thought to no one in particular and not necessarily connected to anything: Medicine teaches us to think about how probable something is, teaches us to look for horses and not zebras when we hear hoofbeats. So if this is the horse I think it is, then the way this is working is that at least one of us is lying, either to one's self, or to someone else, and I'm not sure I want to get imbroiled in something like this. Aargh. Enough brain-blather. contact me via .
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