reality engineering
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w o r l d s

An attempt at creating something out of Nothing, an epic out of the mundane. This project is currently under rapid development.


The forgotten colony of the Republic of Human Worlds

c i t i e s

unreal city metropolitan transit authority

The world's first AI operated heavy-rail transit system.

falun county, western province

Visit Monroe, Madison, and the rest of the Falun Peninsula

emerald island

The crown jewel of the Emerald Bay Area. Visit Emerald City today.

s i t e s

project blog

Reverse engineering designs.

m u s i c


R&B with an electric guitar. The soul methods and classes are constantly being upgraded. Lyrics generated by a Perl script. Their first album, "Light Fuse and Get Away" is scheduled to be released someday.

fugu doll fighters

The epitome of corporate rock. Fans of this genre will love their cookie cutter sound and their bland lyrics. Their drummer has been recently replaced with an AI developed by Reality Engineering. Check them out!

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