Primary Source
19941103 19981201
My mind is like a telescope
gazing upon the mists of time
the dawn of history
long forgotten (some say destroyed,
but others say it was never there to begin with)
But right now, all I have is
a sense of swirling wind around me
blowing through my hair
stinging my eyes
cold frost biting my hands
Time shimmers and blurs,
and light becomes darkness, earth and sky become void
My mind is like a telescope
staring into the bright burning vastness of the beginning of time
thousands of millions years bearing down upon me
Yet ever doubting the truth of what I see
--is that a star,
or the random scintillation of stray light?
My imagination or reality?
A lie that I hoped was true?
Truth that I never wished to see?
But I can only look for so long
The vacuum of present reality
sucks me back into its little bottle
and Time rushes around me like a raging waterfall
and history blurs, all muddled
like a stagnant puddle stirred up
by the whipping winds of a hurricane
I see
people, lives, bouncing around, smashing into each other
like atoms, like billiard balls
in a dance of frenzied violence and beauty
and, in my madness (the clearest vision I've ever had)
I see him
his name is Kagawasan
standing in the whirling confusion of chaos
only a spear in his hand
a useless piece of wood
with a sharp rock on its end
(but what choice did he have?)
arrayed against the Enemy
and their fire and explosions
that'll obliterate him in less than a breath
turn him to ash, and scatter him to the winds
Still, he pierces that metal, unfeeling
shell of the Enemy
stabbing through steel then flesh
The Enemy's heart is ripped to shreds
But the Enemy never needed a heart anyway...
Yet the current of Time sweeps me away again
like a tree branch drowning in the river
never to see or to be seen again
I see countless thousands upon thousands die
seas of people, lives, surging forward like living water
in a lifeless desert
fighting, dying, for freedom (but what does that mean?)
evaporating into nothingness
with the burning touch of the Enemy
The river turns to steam - life evaporates
And history is enshrouded in a fog of death
and all I can see are my hands -
They say you can see the future upon them, lines crisscrossing the
Plains of Fate
small hands -
will turn the wheel of Time and steer Destiny's course
my hands -
are stained with the blood of all those before me
and I bear a debt that shall never be repaid
And I wonder - is it really Freedom that I seek?
Kagawasan's spear cleaves into my heart
The sunlight shatters in my sky
Time stops its maddening rush,
lurches forward like a toppling tree
before coming to a grinding halt
Time spits my battered body out into the
cold darkness of reality
My telescope lenses are scratched
(can I ever see the truth again?)
corrupted, splattered, seared and melted
with what I have seen
© 1994,1998 by Victor
Ganata |