Irresistible Force
Fri, Apr 13, 2001 11:50PM -0600
I read somewhere (I forget bookmarks files are a
complete mess. Yes, files. I've never been satisfied with running
only one browser at a time <g>) that home pages and blogs
just like this are the bane of the Internet, filling it with more
and more crap each every nanosecond, making it harder and harder
for search engines like Google
to make sense of it all.
And I found myself quite chagrined (I've always liked that word)
that I'm part of the problem, and I felt compelled to at least make
a pathetic attempt at rectification. Hence, my little page of
Code. It's not much--the only
thing even slightly useful are the scripts to get PPPoE running on Linux, but it's
actual, honest-to-God content. I'll fix my alibata page someday, as well.
But yeah, it's kind of strange how I've spent the most time on
this blog thingamajig. I mean, yeah, I've always felt that there
was some worth to throwing down my thoughts, whether on paper or on
the screen, but to actually broadcast it and take the time of
spiderbots is something else, I suppose.
I mean, who really gives a crap?
But then again, I've never meant this for public
It really makes a difference, to place your thoughts in an
ultra-manipulable medium like hypertext. I can rearrange this crap
in any sort of way that I want, digging out threads here and there.
Things start to make sense in a coherent fashion. Hypertext is like
the brain. You can form synapses (hyperlinks) here and there, all
over the place at complete random, but it's only really functional
when you've pruned them away, so that only the most important bits
of information can flow down an unimpeded path.
You start seeing patterns that are impossible to see when you're
stuck to the linear medium of a notebook, and you can't very well
always spread out your notes into m x n blocks of binder paper.
This has always been for myself. I have to force myself to admit
it. If I want to write, then it is all about me. And I suppose that
all my life I have been afraid to accept the overweaning
egocentrism that dwells deeply repressed in my soul.