
Thu Aug 07 2003 05:08PM -0600

My roommate (the one I hate) has encountered a snafu with SBC, thereby disabling not only our phone line, but our DSL connection as well. Wonderful. Thankfully, I have AT&T's mLife, so I have access to the web on my cel phone (a Sony Ericsson T68i), and from there I was able to figure out how to set up my iBook to use my cel phone as a modem using Bluetooth, despite the fact that MacOSX is not a platform that AT&T supports. MacOSX rocks! (I'll hunt down the URL for the instructions, but for now, go to and search for it. It's there somewhere!)

Other than that, nothing too exciting is going on. I feel a little better, but I know I've got a ways to go. I need to figure out how to make this sense of peace last.

One of these days, it'll come together. One of these days.

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