Since I put up my lists for 2000 and 1999, I thought I might as well keep going back in time.
This was the first CD, I guess, and the last year we had shared memories that included all of us.
My memories are pretty hazy now, and only a few of the songs bring out vivid memories, like "The Boy is Mine" by Brandy and Monica, which reminds me of Atascadero and Aimee's graduation party, "I'm So Into You" by Tamia, that reminds me of our camping trip in Malibu Canyon, "Make It Hot" by Nicole, Missy Elliot, and Timbaland that reminds me of eating a Baker's Square in Milpitas (does anyone else remember this, or am I confused?), and "Kind and Generous" which reminds me of Ben driving me to Barker Hall after having gone on another Beanie Baby hunting trip. What else am I forgetting? Oh yeah, there was that time we went bowling near Pacifica, when we all listened to the CD again. When was this? But I'm sure there's more. It'll come to me when I'm not thinking about it.