Killing Time
Tue, Apr 24, 2001 07:16PM -0600
I am still on edge, just waiting for catastrophe. What's wrong
with me? I really should cut back on the caffeine... damn
physiological dependency....
My friend Ben has started his own blog [URL suppressed until he
decides it's ready...] I think he's taken to it like a duck to
water (gosh, what a lame simile. My brain is really not working at
this point... must drink... caffeine.... too many things going on
at once... TV blaring, IM client chiming, emacs cursor blinking,
phone ringing...) Focus.
But yeah, Ben is being unnecessarily self-critical, so if you
check out his blog (once I post the URL...yes, I'm talking to all
three of you who are reading this--two if I don't count you, Ben),
let him know if you like it.
Why am I such a nerd. It was such a nice day today, but I let it
slip away.... (ok that sucked, too.... damn it, being
self-defeating is so contagious....) All I did today was veg in
front of this godforsaken screen and/or play PS2.
I need to find an alternate, non-electronic form of
expression....but I think I'll finish this once the room stops