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History Continues to Repeat Itself 2003-04-08

Some random thoughts. Atrios briefly mentions Michelle Malkin and a comment she made about the "liberal" media.

Being Filipino American myself, I find Malkin perplexing and disturbing. In October, while at a Borders Books, I stumbled upon her book Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists Criminals & Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shore, which basically, in a very venomous manner, explicates why allowing immigration is a bad idea. I was transfixed and horrified when discovering her cultural heritage.

I don't know. There's just something about a child of immigrant parents denouncing and deriding immigrants. And—not that there's anything wrong with it (oh yes, I know, those are deadly words)—she's married to a white guy. But what really gets me is that she just spouts all this right-wing propaganda. I mean, it's one thing to stand up for your political convictions, it's another thing to spew it in such a rabid and purulent manner. I mean, I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into her articles, but I get the sense that she is an extraordinarily paranoid and insecure reactionary, who has to smear anything she doesn't agree with, to the point of being inconsistent and contradicting herself. Seriously, what a fucking mind job.

Yeah. I haven't really finished thinking about the ways her existence twists my bowels. I mean, there are various blog posts and comments scattered across the net about how she is an interesting case of self-hatred, a textbook example of a "sellout to the Man." Really, it's classic colonial mentality. But it really is bizarre to me. How the hell do you end up thinking that way?

I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but I can't understand how you can be against immigration when you wouldn't exist otherwise. I understand that that might be a self-serving reason to be for immigration, but still, it boggles my mind. And I'm not even going discuss at length how coming from the Philippines is a special case since it was a former colony of the U.S. Or the fact that (at least in Southern California) the immigrants being most discriminated against are really trying to get into territory that used to belong to their country, seized in an American war of aggression over 150 years ago. (Seriously, did you ever think about how, in a way, L.A. is essentially a U.S.-occupied Mexican city? Consider that in a few years, Chicanos will be the undisputed majority there. It blows the mind that people can actually be against bilingual education there, but that's another story entirely.)

In other news, the U.S. prevents Iraqis from liberating their own city (from the Agonist) Does anyone remember anything about the Filipino-American War?

Next stop, Iran?

Quote of the day: Congratulations. You seem to have about finished your work of civilizing the Filipinos. It is thought that about eight thousand of them have been completely civilized and sent to heaven. I hope you like it. —Andrew Carnegie. Just replace Filipino with Iraqi, and it becomes clear that people never fucking learn.


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