I don't
what it was today, but it really struck me how, as a
person-of-color, I really don't have a choice in what political
ideology to believe in.
Even if I wanted to be a right-winger, whether
Republican or Libertarian, in the name of self-interest and sheer
survival, I really couldn't. In the end, the goals of the
right-wing are inimical to my existence. For a large number of
them, in their ideal world, someone like me wouldn't exist.
Not to say that the left-wing is necessarily more
virtuous because it allows the person-of-color to participate as an
equal. Given the history of the Democratic Party, it's clear that
aligning with our issues was a measure of political expediency, the
same way that W tried to rally as many Chicanos to his cause as
possible. But it's better than nothing, I suppose.
This poster (from The Propaganda
Remix Project, a hilarious parody of propaganda posters) really
strikes a chord. Sadly, it isn't until now that I understand how
real the abject discrimination that the inhabitants of the inner
city suffer, now that this discrimination has widened to include
all black and brown people.
I just have this feeling that no matter how "patriotic"
I claim to be, I will always be an Enemy.